A little blog about the wonderful world of horror, gore, and everything scary, weird and plain disturbing. In reality we are just 2 girls who have a passion for anything freaky. We've always shared it, since we were 6 years old. We grew up together our whole lives and we have seen tons of new, old, popular and independent horror movies. So we decided to put all our opinions and reviews of them into GoreWhores.

Monday 29 October 2012

American Horror Story Series One (2011)

Those of you who have not seen the FX hit series American Horror Story. We envy you!! Furthermore, if you are on mid-term then this is the series you should be cosying up to watch. Close over the curtains, warn everyone to leave you alone and surround yourself with any food you might need. Because once you begin your journey through American Horror Story you may not ever want to leave your screen. Be warned; this series is addictive as hell.

The Cast
Dr. Ben Harmon
Violet Harmon
Vivien Harmon

The Harmon family (above). Dr. Harmon has an affair back in Boston and in a bid to keep his wife Vivien and daughter Violet, uproots to LA to make a fresh start. Vivien sets her heart on a beautifully restored 1940's house which is a bargain considering its location and decor.
Soon after moving into the dream house, their lives become worse and worse until eventually they are living a nightmare.
They encounter an array of characters who all have connections to the house. Each character has a gripping history which lures us in. But you'll have to watch and see for yourself why these characters are so captivating.

But what keeps us wanting more?

Tate Langdon

Well for the girls who like their men on the mysterious side then Tate Langdon (above) will have you drooling like a puppy. Tate falls madly in love with Violet. Their love story makes Twilight's Bella and Edward's look like a walk in the park.

I guarantee you will fall in love with Tate Langdon even if you don't want to.

So many characters and so many stories all centered around the house. It's a vortex for anyone who enters. Watch and witness how the house swallows its prey like flies.

Some catch the Stolkholm Syndrome and become loyal to the house. I know that by the end of this series a part of me felt emotionally attached to the house.

The Harmon's maid

This series grabs you from the get go. It grabs a hold of you. Don't just take my word for it. IMDB rates it 8.3. Too low in my opinion but a respectable score all the same.

Tuesdays 10pm on FX

Only downside is that the next series Asylum is set somewhere completely different and the cast take on different characters. It's UK premiere is Tuesday 30th October (tomorrow) at 10pm.

We are most looking forward to reviewing it.

Sunday 28 October 2012

American Psycho (2000)

Some people think 80's music is scary. After watching this movie it will have a whole new meaning for you.

American Psycho is the epitome of America getting greedy and earning their name as a nation of materialistic dickheads. One scene which depicts this perfectly is when Patrick Bateman (the main character) and his Wall Street buddies are comparing the styles of their business cards. Worrying over whose looks better.

The whole movie sees Bateman develop into a pure and utter mad man. He loses the run of himself and loses sight of reality altogether. Bateman has it all. The flash apartment, the hot fiancee, the looks, the great job, everything. But it's not enough.
This character is most memorable for his obscene personal behaviour and his scary flawless front he puts on for the world.

Don't touch the watch

Wednesday 24 October 2012

3 Oldies but goodies.

#1: Stephen King's 'IT' (1990)
This is one of my all time favourite movies. I still to this day shiver at the sight of a clown. Even the zombie clown in Zombieland freaked the shit out of me. Pennywise is by far the freakiest of them all, especially the way that he breaks the bounders for stereotypical ghouls and can pay you a visit at any time, any place from a full library in broad daylight, to the locker room showers.
IT has a great plot, A group of outcast kids (The lucky 7), from a small town named Derry, Vow to destroy an evil clown who has come to make their lives a nightmare. He visits them in all sorts of creepy, unsettling visions. The children fight IT in the sewers and we assume he is killed, but several years later, when the children are working adults with families, strange disappearances start happening again in Derry, and the last remaining member of The Lucky 7 calls back all his old friends to take down IT once and for all.
With great acting and direction you would barely notice the fact that IT was made as a two-part television film. It's a really great one to watch this time of year.

#2: George A. Romero's Night Of The Living Dead (1968):
"They're coming to get you Barbara!"
Ahh, I absolutely adore this movie. Such a refreshment from the Super-Zombie films out today. I personally much prefer the type of slow moving, brain-dead zombie that Romero creates.
The plot is simple like most zombie movies, a group of survivors trying to, well, survive.
A satellite fallen onto earth is producing toxins capable of re-animating the dead. Anyone who is dead already becomes a flesh eating zombie and anyone bitten during the event becomes a zombie too. The only way to stop these walking dead is destroying their brains.
The protagonist is a girl named Barbara who encounters one of these creatures while visiting her fathers grave. In a moment of panic she flees and takes refuge in an old farmhouse where she meets a group of other survivors. We follow them on their journey to escape the hordes of zombies in the area.
If you're a fan of zombie movies this is definitely one to watch, if only for the impact it has made on all the modern zombie movies out in the last decade.

#3: Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho (1960):
Psycho is a fantastic horror/thriller movie by the master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock. The remake with Vince Vaughn as Norman Bates was one of the rare horror remakes that I actually enjoyed and I do recommend it but I am going to focus on the 1960 one for now.
The story follows a young woman named Marion Crane who is living a dead end life, broke with a partner she barely see's, and working a dead-end office job. One day her boss gives her $40,000 to put in the bank but Marion see's this as a chance to escape her life and start off a new one with the stolen money else where.
She buys a car with the cash and drives untill she is exhausted and sees a motel named The Bates Motel. The motel manager named Norman Bates is a friendly, nice man who just seems to be a little bit isolated and overly mothered. He fixes Marion dinner and they talk for a while. Marion starts to feel guilty about stealing the money and makes a mental decision to return it the next day.
A turn of events occurs and we then see Marion's sister a week later discussing with Marion's friend Sam how she's been missing.
With a twisty plot and some intense suspense this is definitely one to watch, and if you're not into black and whites then check out the more modern re-make.

Laura and I will be updating tomorrow with more unmissable movies for halloween.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Resident Evil Retribution, The Walking Dead season 2, and side notes.

So I recently saw the new Resident Evil. It was way better than I expected. There was bucket-loads of action, I was really surprised to see that Metacritic gave it 39/100 and Rotten Tomatoes gave it 29/100.
Other then a few minor flaws, like the unexplained return of Wesker after he'd been blown up in a helicopter, and the over the top, matrix style dodging of bullets I thought it was well produced, directed and visually it was really nice to look at, especially in 3-D. Not oscar winning, but entertaining none-the-less. If you haven't seen it and you're a Res Evil fan then I suggest you watch it.

Also, the new Walking Dead season is among us, and I am a MASSIVE Walking Dead fan, I won't give away any spoilers but the first episode was really intense. The thing I love most about the season premiere is the way they have added extra gore, which I found to be lacking in the last season. Hopefully they keep that up. The acting in the show cannot be flawed (except maybe the blandness of Lori) but, I think that's what Darabont is going for with her character. If you haven't started The Walking Dead yet then go watch it, that is an order.

Tomorrow I will be posting up a few horror reviews of some of my favourite old time horrors and thrillers, A few Stephen King, and Hitchcock movies will be on the list.


Thursday 18 October 2012

 Don't worry! It's not just old school blood and guts, we'll also be including movies such as Donnie Darko, Shutter Island, American Psycho, Zodiac, The Shining and Take Shelter. And now and then the likes of Sin City, Kill Bill and Se7en. I know they're not classed as horrors but we'll be talking about their disturbing elements. The more disturbing the better. In fact, if it's not disturbing, it just isn't scary.
 It's not just the Americans who do horror well, we'll be featuring Japanese horror and other foreign films such as REC. Stay tooned :)

Hello and welcome!

Hi everyone!
I'm Gina, and if you know me then you know I LOVE horror, gore and anything scary.

Me and my cousin Laura are going to be posting all sorts of exciting horror-filled stuff on here, like upcoming events, movie reviews, game reviews and all sorts of other things.Just in time for Halloween we will be doing a Top 10 horror film list to watch, and we will be reviewing all of the Halloween movies (Old and Rob Zombies).So stick around and keep checking for updates.Gina.