A little blog about the wonderful world of horror, gore, and everything scary, weird and plain disturbing. In reality we are just 2 girls who have a passion for anything freaky. We've always shared it, since we were 6 years old. We grew up together our whole lives and we have seen tons of new, old, popular and independent horror movies. So we decided to put all our opinions and reviews of them into GoreWhores.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Resident Evil Retribution, The Walking Dead season 2, and side notes.

So I recently saw the new Resident Evil. It was way better than I expected. There was bucket-loads of action, I was really surprised to see that Metacritic gave it 39/100 and Rotten Tomatoes gave it 29/100.
Other then a few minor flaws, like the unexplained return of Wesker after he'd been blown up in a helicopter, and the over the top, matrix style dodging of bullets I thought it was well produced, directed and visually it was really nice to look at, especially in 3-D. Not oscar winning, but entertaining none-the-less. If you haven't seen it and you're a Res Evil fan then I suggest you watch it.

Also, the new Walking Dead season is among us, and I am a MASSIVE Walking Dead fan, I won't give away any spoilers but the first episode was really intense. The thing I love most about the season premiere is the way they have added extra gore, which I found to be lacking in the last season. Hopefully they keep that up. The acting in the show cannot be flawed (except maybe the blandness of Lori) but, I think that's what Darabont is going for with her character. If you haven't started The Walking Dead yet then go watch it, that is an order.

Tomorrow I will be posting up a few horror reviews of some of my favourite old time horrors and thrillers, A few Stephen King, and Hitchcock movies will be on the list.


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